Yurday E. Which Regions of England Have the Most Hospital Beds for COVID-19? // NimbleFins. – Дата публикации : 25 марта 2020.
Mikulic M. Number of community pharmacies in England in 2022/23, by region // Statista. – Дата публикации: 18 октября 2023.
Clark D. Identifiable expenditure on health per capita in the United Kingdom in 2022/23, by region (in GBP) // Statista. – Дата публикации : 4 января 2024.
About our research // St George’s University of London.
About UCL // UCL. University College London.
A-Z research directory // Faculty of Medicine. Imperial College London.
British College of Osteopathic Medicine and European School of Osteopathy.
Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey // NHS England.
Course // Middlesex University London.
Find your course // University of Westminster.
Graduate degrees // UCL. University College London.
Health and clinical psychological sciences // Birkbeck University of London.
Health profile for London 2021 // Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Medicine MBBS // Brunel University London.
Medicine MPhil/PhD // UCL. University Coollege London.
Medicine // Queen Mary. University of London.
Our history // Queen Mary. University of London.
Postgraduate courses // London Metropolitan University.
Postgraduate Research Areas // King’s College London.
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023: Medicine // QS Top Universities.
School of nursing and midwifery // London South Bank University.
St Bartholomew's - our history // Barts Health NHS Trust.
Undergraduate Bachelor Degrees // City University of London.