- Заглавие:
Wymiana jeńców w ramach rozejmu dywilińskiego
- Автор:
Bohun T.
- Аннотация:
Introduction. The article investigates the issue of the exchange of captives between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Truce of Deulino conclusion on December 1 (11), 1618. This truce marked the end of the Time of Troubles in the Moscow State and established peaceful relations between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for 14 years. The author analyzes the circumstances of the exchange of captives, and also highlights main problems arising in the course of implementing the agreements. Materials. The study uses unpublished documents of the Ambassadorial Prikaz: record lists, petitions, lists of contract records stored in the form of columns and books in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents in funds No. 79 “Relations with Poland” and No. 141 “Prikaz Affairs of Old Years”. Results. The Truce of Deulino provided the solution of two urgent issues: transfer of seven border cities and their uezds with subsequent delimitation of the border and exchange of captives. Over the course of time, the first agreements were reached only partly. Admittedly, castles smoothly passed to the Polish-Lithuanian possession, but because of mutual claims the border at the Trubchevsk-Novgorod-Seversk-Bryansk and the Vitebsk-Toropets lines became the part of the Treaty of Polyanovka (1634), which put an end to the Smolensk war. There were problems with the exchange of captives as well, which occurred more than three months later. However, the only culprit here was the Polish-Lithuanian side.
- Ключевые слова:
1618, 1618 г, XVII в, Деулинское перемирие, история России, обмен пленными, речь Посполитая, 17th century, exchange of captives, historyof Russia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Truce of Deulino
- Язык текста:
- Сведения об источнике:
Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4: История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. – 2019. – Т. 24, № 2. – С. 175–183.
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Wymiana jeńców w ramach rozejmu dywilińskiego
T. Bohun