Библиографический источник

Twenty-first century feminist classrooms

pedagogies of power and difference / ed. by S. Sánchez-Casal, A. A. Macdonal


Twenty-first century feminist classrooms

Место издания:

New York


Palgrave Macmillan

Дата издания:

312 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Introduction: Feminist Reflections on the Pedagogical Relevance of Identity; S.Sanchez-Casal & A.A.Macdonald THEORIZING MULTICULTURAL FEMINIST IDENTITIES Towards a Pedagogy of Coalition; B.Sasaki U.S. Latino Studies and the Multicultural Paradigm; S.Sanchez-Casal Student Resistance and Nationalism in the Classroom: Reflections on Globalizing the Curriculum; M.Hase THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF EXPERIENCE Feminist Pedagogy and the Appeal to Epistemic Privilege; A.A.Macdonald Negotiating Subject Positions in a Service Learning Context: Towards a Feminist Critique of Experiential Learning; T.Williams & E.McKenna Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Concientizacion: A Latina Professor's Struggle; E. M.Valle Queer Theory and Feminist Pedagogy; N.S.Rabinowitz CONTEXTUALIZING DIFFERENCE 'White Girls and Strong Black Women': Reflections on a Decade of Teaching Black History at Predominantly White Institutions; A.Dorsey Teaching About Genocide; B.Bar-On Decentering the White and Male Standpoint in Race and Ethnicity Courses; M.Hunter Representation, Entitlement, and Voyeurism: Teaching Across Difference; M.K.Kantrowitz

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