Библиографический источник

The Wiley Blackwell companion to social movements

ed. by D. A. Snow [et al.]


The Wiley Blackwell companion to social movements

Место издания:

Hoboken, NJ


John Wiley & Sons

Дата издания:

XXII, 745 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Contents: Introduction / David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, Holly J. McCammon. Facilitative and Constraining Contexts and Conditions. The Political Context of Social Movements / Doug McAdam, Sidney Tarrow. The Role of Threat in Collective Action / Paul D. Almeida. The Cultural Context of Social Movements / James M. Jasper, Francesca Polletta. The Resource Context of Social Movements / Bob Edwards, John D. McCarthy, Dane R. Mataic. The Ecological and Spatial Contexts of Social Movements / Yang Zhang, Dingxin Zhao. Social Movements and Transnational Context / Clifford Bob. Social Movements and Mass Media in a Global Context / Deana A Rohlinger, Catherine Corrigall-Brown. Social Movement Organizations, Fields, and Dynamics. Networks and Fields / Nick Crossley, Mario Diani. Social Movement Organizations / Edward T. Walker, Andrew W. Martin. Bringing Leadership Back In / Marshall Ganz, Elizabeth McKenna. How Social Movements Interact with Organizations and Fields / Fabio Rojas, Brayden G. King. Infighting and Insurrection / Amin Ghaziani, Kelsy Kretschmer. Diffusion Processes Within and Across Movements / Sarah A. Soule, Conny Roggeband. Coalitions and the Organization of Collective Action / Megan E. Brooker, David S. Meyer. Social Movement Strategies and Tactics. Tactics and Strategic Action / Brian Doherty, Graeme Hayes. Technology and Social Media / Jennifer Earl. Social Movements and Litigation / Steven A. Boutcher, Holly J. McCammon. Social Movements in Interaction with Political Parties / Swen Hutter, Hanspeter Kriesi, Jasmine Lorenzini. Nonviolent and Violent Trajectories in Social Movements / Kurt Schock, Chares Demetriou. Art and Social Movements / Lilian Mathieu. Microstructural and Social-Psychological Dimensions. Individual Participation in Street Demonstrations / Jacquelien Stekelenburg, Bert Klandermans, Stefaan Walgrave. The Framing Perspective on Social Movements / David A. Snow, Rens Vliegenthart, Pauline Ketelaars. Emotions in Social Movements / Justin Ness, Erika Summers-Effler. Collective Identity in Social Movements / Cristina Flesher Fominaya. Consequences and Outcomes. The Political Institutions, Processes, and Outcomes Movements Seek to Influence / Edwin Amenta, Kenneth T Andrews, Neal Caren. Economic Outcomes of Social Movements / Marco Giugni, Maria T. Grasso. The Cultural Outcomes of Social Movements / Nella Dyke, Verta Taylor. Biographical Consequences of Activism / Florence Passy, Gian-Andrea Monsch. Thematic Intersections. Social Class and Social Movements / Barry Eidlin, Jasmine Kerrissey. Gender and Social Movements / Heather McKee Hurwitz, Alison Dahl Crossley. Race, Ethnicity, and Social Movements / Peter B Owens, Rory McVeigh, David Cunningham. Bringing the Study of Religion and Social Movements Together / David A. Snow, Kraig Beyerlein. Human Rights and Social Movements / Kiyoteru Tsutsui, Jackie Smith. Globalization and Social Movements / Massimiliano Andretta, Donatella Porta, Clare Saunders. Political Extremism and Social Movements / Robert Futrell, Pete Simi, Anna E. Tan. Nationalism, Nationalist Movements, and Social Movement Theory / Hank Johnston. War, Peace, and Social Movements / David S. Meyer, Sidney Tarrow. Authoritarian Regimes and Social Movements / Xi Chen, Dana M. Moss. Revolution and Social Movements / Jack A. Goldstone, Daniel P. Ritter. Terrorism and Social Movements / Colin J. Beck, Eric W. Schoon

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