Библиографический источник

The spirit of Zoroastrianism

Prods O. Skjærvø


The spirit of Zoroastrianism

Место издания:

New Haven, CT


Yale University Press

Дата издания:

xii, 270 pages


Sacred literature series



Сведения о содержании:

1. Zoroastrian literature : Background The Avesta and other Zoroastrian literature 2. Creation and the Divine World : Cosmic contrasts and the two spirits Order and chaos Creation Gods Demons The creation of living beings 3. Mythical history and the Zarathustra myth : Hero-sacrificers of the first ages 4. Eschatology and the End of the World 5. Body and soul 6. Death, rewards, and punishment 7. Ethics 8. Rituals : The Yasna, a ritual re-creation of the world The Videvdad, a ritual purification of the world Other rituals 9. On kingship 10. Doctrinal issues Translations : 1. Texts on the history of the Sacred Tradition 2. Texts on creation and the Divine World 3. Texts on mythical history 4. Texts on eschatology and the End of the World 5. Texts on body and soul 6. Texts on death, rewards, and punishment 7. Texts on ethics 8. Ritual texts 9. Texts on kingship 10. Texts on doctrinal issues


Zoroastrianism is one of the world's oldest religions, though it is not among the best understood. Originating with Iranian tribes living in Central Asia in the second millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the Iranian empires until Islam superseded it in the seventh century AD. Centered on the worship of Ahura Mazda, the All-knowing Ruler, Zoroastrianism follows the practices and rituals set out by the prophet Zarathustra, according to the indigenous tradition. As one of the world's great religions, Zoroastrianism has a heritage rich in texts and cultic practices. The texts are often markedly difficult to translate, but in this volume, Prods Oktor Skjærvø, professor of ancient Iranian languages and culture at Harvard, provides modern and accurate translations of Zoroastrian texts that have been selected to provide an overview of Zoroastrian beliefs and practices. In a comprehensive introduction to these sacred texts, Skjærvø outlines the history and essence of Zoroastrianism and discusses the major themes of this the first fully representative selection of Zoroastrian texts to be made available in English for over a century

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