Библиографический источник

The society of Norman Italy

ed. by G. A. Loud and A. Metcalfe


The society of Norman Italy

Место издания:




Дата издания:

XX, 381 p.


Medieval Mediterranean ; vol. 38



Сведения о содержании:

Preface. List of Maps. List of Contributors. Abbreviations. Genealogical chart. Map of Southern Italy. Introduction / Graham A. Loud...1Pt. 1. Social and Regional Structures on the South Italian Mainland 1. Settlement and the Agrarian Economy / Jean-Marie Martin...17 2. The Northern Frontier of Norman Italy, 1060-1140 / Laurent Feller...47 3. The Tyrrhenian Coastal Cities under the Normans / Patricia Skinner...75 4. The Aristocratic Family / Joanna Drell...97Pt. 2. Government and the Church. 5. Chanceries, Charters and Administration in Norman Italy / Horst Enzensberger...117 6. The Papacy and the Rulers of Southern Italy, 1058-1198 / Graham A. Loud...151 7. The Bishops of Southern Italy in the Norman and Staufen Periods / Norbert Kamp...185Pt. 3. Calabria and Sicily. 8. The Papacy and the Greek Church in Southern Italy between the eleventh and the thirteenth Century / Peter Herde...213 9. The Greek Presence in Norman Sicily: The Contribution of Archival Material / Vera von Falkenhausen...253 10. The Muslims of Sicily under Christian Rule / Alex Metcalfe...289 11. Religious Toleration in the South Italian Peninsula during the Norman and Staufen Periods / Hubert Houben...319 Bibliography...341 Index...367

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