- Заглавие:
The Routledge companion to media and activism
- Место издания:
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- Дата издания:
- Объём:
XVI, 419 p.
- Серия:
Media and cultural studies
- Сведения о содержании:
ContentsNotes on contributorsAcknowledgmentsIntroduction: Making meanings and making troubleGRAHAM MEIKLEPart 1 - THEMES1) Looking back, looking ahead: what has changed in social movement media since the internet and social media?JOHN D. H. DOWNING2) The nexus between media and social movements. Looking back and the way forwardDONATELLA DELLA PORTA and ELENA PAVAN3) Nonviolent activism and the media: Gandhi and beyondSEAN SCALMER4) Can the Women's Peace Camp be televised?: Challenging mainstream media coverage of Greenham CommonANNA FEIGENBAUM5) Artistic activismSTEPHEN DUNCOMBE and STEVE LAMBERT6) Alternative computingLEAH A. LIEVROUWPart 2 - ORGANIZATIONS AND IDENTITIES7) Transformative media organizing: Key lessons from participatory communications research with the immigrant rights, Occupy, and LGBTQ & Two-Spirit movementsSASHA COSTANZA-CHOCK8) Affective publics and windows of opportunity: Social media and the potential for social changeZIZI PAPACHARISSI and MEGGAN TAYLOR TREVEY9) Social media and contentious action in ChinaZIXUE TAI10) Connective or collective? The intersection between online crowds and social movements in contemporary activismANASTASIA KAVADA11) The communicative core of working class organizationJESSE DREW12) Digital activism and the future of worker resistanceLINA DENCIK and PETER WILKIN13) Forming publics: Alternative media and activist cultural practicesRICARDA DRUEEKE and ELKE ZOBL14) Social media activism, self-representation and the construction of political biographiesVERONICA BARASSIPart 3 - ACTIVIST ARTS15) Cats, punk, arson and new media: Art activism in Russia 2007-2015YNGVAR B. STEINHOLT16) Art as activism in Japan: The case of a good-for-nothing-kid and her pussyMARK McLELLAND17) Music and activism: from prefigurative to pragmatic politicsANDREW GREEN and JOHN STREET18) Small 'p' politics and minor gestures: political artists, politics and aesthetics in contemporary artMARIA MIRANDA and NORIE NEUMARK19) I can haz rights? Online memes as digital embodiment of craft(ivism)VICTORIA ESTEVES20) Feminist protest assemblages and remix cultureRED CHIDGEYPart 4 - TACTICS OF VISIBILITY 21) Affective activism and political secularism: The unending body in the Femen movementCAMILLA MOHRING REESTORFF22) The purchase of witnessing in human rights activismSANDRA RISTOVSKA23) Palestine online: Occupation and liberation in the digital ageMIRIYAM AOURAGH24) Turning murders into public executions: "Beheading videos" as alternative mediaJOE F. KHALIL25) Urban graffiti, political activism and resistanceNOUREDDINE MILADI26) Leaktivism and its discontentsATHINA KARATZOGIANNI27) Counter-cartography: mapping power as collective practice ANDRE MESQUITA (translated by Victoria Esteves)Part 5 - CONTESTING NARRATIVES28) Climate justice, hacktivist sensibilities, prototypes of changeADRIENNE RUSSELL29) The British National Party: Digital discourse and powerCHRIS ATTON30) In search of political reform: How social media is contributing to democratic participation in ZimbabweBRUCE MUTSVAIRO31) The case of the destroyed plaque: Social media, collective memory, and activism in Cartagena, ColombiaANAMARIA TAMAYO-DUQUE and TOBY MILLER32) The media strategy of the Aboriginal Black Power, Land Rights and self-determination movementGARY FOLEY and EDWINA HOWELLPart 6 - CHANGING THE MEDIA33) Policy activism: Advocating, protesting and hacking media regulationARNE HINTZ34) Media activism: Media change?NATALIE FENTON35) Fan activismSAMANTHA CLOSE36) Acting out: Resisting copyright monopoliesSTEVE COLLINS37) Disability and media activismKATIE ELLIS and GERARD GOGGINPart 7 - BEYOND SOCIAL MEDIA38) From digital activism to algorithmic resistanceEMILIANO TRERE39) On the question of blockchain activismOLIVER LEISTERT40) "Dear Mr. Neo-Nazi, can you please give me your informed consent so that I can quote your fascist tweet?": Questions of social media research ethics in online ideology critiqueCHRISTIAN FUCHS41) Beyond 'Report, block, ignore': informal responses to trolling and harassment on social mediaFRANCES SHAW42) Organized networks in the age of platform capitalismGEERT LOVINK and NED ROSSITER
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Библиографический источник
The Routledge companion to media and activism
ed. by G. Meikle