- Заглавие:
The Psychology of Women. A Psychoanalytic Interpretation
- Автор:
Deutsch Helene (1884–1982 )
- № и название тома:
Vol. 2. Motherhood
- Место издания:
New York
- Издатель:
Grune & Stratton
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
vi, 498 p.
- Сведения о библиографии:
Includes bibliographical references p. 488–491 and indexes.
- Аннотация:
This is the second of a two-volume psychoanalytical study of feminine psychology (see 18: 2840). Chapter headings are: social and biologic aspects; motherhood, motherliness, and sexuality; the preliminary phases; the psychology of the sexual act; problems of conception: psychologic prerequisites of pregnancy; pregnancy; delivery; confinement and lactation: first relations with the child; the mother-child relation; unmarried mothers; adoptive mothers; stepmothers; and the climacterium.
- Язык текста:
- Электронная версия:
- Перейти
Библиографический источник
The Psychology of Women. A Psychoanalytic Interpretation
Helene Deutsch