Библиографический источник

The Phillips curve and labor markets

eds. Karl Brunner, Allan H. Meltzer


The Phillips curve and labor markets

Место издания:



North-Holland Pub. Co.

Дата издания:

164 p.


Carnegie-Rochester conference series on public policy ; vol. 1



Сведения о содержании:

The Phillips curve / Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer --Econometric policy evaluation : a critique / Robert E. Lucas, Jr. --Can econometric policy evaluations be salvaged? A comment / Robert J. Gordon --Reply / Robert E. Lucas, Jr. --Econometric policy evaluation : a critique by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. --a comment / David V. Pritchett --A neo-classical theory of Keynesian unemployment ; Aspects of the theory of involuntary unemployment --a comment ; Rejoinder / Donald F. Gordon --Comment on the Donald Gordon paper / Edmund S. Phelps --The Phillips curve and macroeconomic policy / Robert E. Hall --Dynamic considerations in the choice of inflation and unemployment targets --a comment / Robert J. Gordon --The Phillips curve and macroeconomic policy : a comment / Ronald M. Schmidt.

Язык текста:

Нидерландский; Фламандский

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