Библиографический источник

The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

a Legal History / B. Geva


The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Место издания:



Hart Publishing

Дата издания:

784 p



Сведения о содержании:

1. Money, Payment in Money, and the Order to Pay Money 2. Money and Monetary Legal Theory in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 3. Funds Transfers in Antiquity: Instruments, Institutions and Mechanisms 4. Deriving History from Law: Are Cheques Traceable to the Talmud? 5. The Payment Order under Roman Law 6. The Medieval Hawale: The Legal Nature of the Suftaj and Other Islamic Payment Instruments 7. Funds Transfers under Talmudic Law: Orthodoxy and Adaptation 8. Payment Orders in Medieval Continental Europe: Book Transfers and Bills of Exchange 9. Payment Orders under English Common Law: The Bailment of Money and the 'Reception' of the Bill of Exchange 10. Evolution and Transformation: The Birth of the Modern Payment System in Post-Medieval England 11. Turning the Wheels of Post-Medieval Change: Paper Circulation and Negotiability under English Law 12. Staying on Course: The Footprint of Ancient and Medieval Doctrine and Practice on Modern Payment Laws Epilogue: From Barter to Electronic Funds Transfers and the Role of Law

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