- Заглавие:
The origins of the Bible
- Автор:
Miller J. W.
- Место издания:
New York
- Издатель:
Paulist Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
vi, 250 p
- Сведения о содержании:
Hoiw the Hebrew scriptures became part of the Christian Bible --A first look at when and why they were compiled --The wider background: Israel's rival priestly houses --Differing theologies among the priestly houses --Heightened tensions due to the "Battle of the Prophets" --The Ezra-Nehemiah reforms as a response --The birth of a scripture based community: The Law and the Prophets --Custodians and teachers of the Second Temple Library --Editing and adding "The Other Books" --The Christian Bible in its final form: Concluding reflections. Appendix: The Hebrew Scriptures --Jewish, Catholic and Protestant Bibles compared --Why Jewish, Catholic and Protestant Bibles differ (A synopsis).
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
The origins of the Bible
rethinking canon history / J. W. Miller