Библиографический источник

The history of the World Conqueror

ʻAla-ad-Din ʻAta-Malik Juvaini ; transl. from the text of Mirza Muhammad Qazvini by John Andrew Boyle


The history of the World Conqueror

Место издания:



Harvard University Press

Дата издания:

2 vol. (xiv, 763 p.)


UNESCO collection of representative works. Persian series

Сведения о библиографии:

Bibliogr.: vol. 1, p. xxxix–xlv

Сведения о содержании:

Vol. 1. Of the condition of the Mongols before the time of Chingiz Khan's rise to power -- Of the laws which Chingiz-Khan framed and the yasas which he promulgagted after his rise to power -- Chingiz-Khan's rise to power and the beginning of the passing to him of the empires and kingdoms of the kings of the world : a brief account thereof -- Of the sons of Chingiz-Khan -- Of the conquest of the land of the Uighur and the submission of the idi-qut -- Of the further history of the Uighur -- Of the origin of the idi-qut and the land of the Uighur accordind to their own belief -- Of Küchlüg and Toq-Toghan -- Of the martyred imam, ʻAla-ad-Din Muhammad of Khotan (God's mercy be upon him!) -- Of the conquest of the regions of Almaligh, Qayaligh and Fulad, together with an account of the rulers thereof -- Of the reason for the attack on the countries of the Sultan -- Of the advance of the world-conquering Khan against the countries of the Sultan and the capture of Otrar --Of the advance of the Ulush-Idi against Jand and the conquest of that region -- Of the capture of Fanakat and Khojend and the story of Temür Malik -- A short account of the conquest of Transoxiana -- Of the capture of Bokhara -- Of the rebellion of the Tarabi -- Of the conquest of Samarqand -- Of the fate of Khorazm -- Of the departure of Chingiz-Khan to Nahkshab and Tirmiz -- Of Chingiz-Khan's crossing of the river at Tirmiz and the taking of Balkh -- Of Chingiz-Khan's turning to do battle with the Sultan -- Of the return of Chingiz-Khan -- Of the expedition of Törbei Toqshin in search of Sultan Jalal-ad-Din -- Of the expedition of Yeme and Sübetei in pursuit of Sultan Muhammad -- A brief account of Toli's conquest of Khorasan -- Of Merv and the fate thereof -- Of what befell at Nishapur -- Of the accession of the World-Emperor Qa'an to the throne of the Khanate and the power of world-empire --Of the campaign of the World-Emperor Qa'an against Khitai and the conquest of that country -- Of the second quriltai -- Of the deeds and actions of Qa'an -- Of the houses and dwelling-places of Qa'an -- Of Töregene Khatun -- Of Fatima Khatun -- Of the accession of Güyük Khan to the throne of the Khanate -- Of Princess Oghul-Ghaimish and her sons -- Of Tushi and the accession of Batu in his stead -- Of the conquest of Bulghar and the territory of the As and the Rus -- Of the horsemen of the Keler and Bashghird -- Of Chaghatai -- Of the origin of the dynasty of the sultans of Khorazm (May God make bright their example!) -- Of the accession of ʻAla-ad-Din Khorazm-Shah -- How the kingdom of the sultans of Ghur passed into the hands of Sultan Muhammad -- Of what befell Kharmil after the Sultan's return -- Of Közli and his latter end -- Of the accession of Mazandaran and Kerman -- Of the conquest of Transoxiana -- Of the Sultan's returning a second time to wage war on the gür-khan --Of the conquest of Firuzkuh and Ghaznin -- Of the Khans of Qara-Khitai, their rise to power and their destruction --Vol. 2. Of the remaining events in the life of Sultan Muhammad of happy memory and of the confusion of his affairs -- Of the causes of the estrangement between Sultan Muhammad and the Commander of the Faithful an-Nassir li-Din-Allah Abdul-'Abbas Ahmad -- Of the destruction of the Sultan of Sultans and the cause thereof -- Of Sultan Jalal-ad-Din -- Of his adventures in India -- Of Sultan Jalal-ad-Din's approach to Baghdad -- of Jalal-ad-Din and the Georgians and the extirpation of that people -- Of the Sultan's return to Georgia -- Of the Sultan's advance against Akhlat and the capture thereof -- Of the Sultan's advance to make war on the Sultan of Rum -- Of Yamin Malik and Ighraq and their fate -- Of the Sultan's mother, Terken Khatun -- Of Sultan Ghiyas-ad-Din -- Of Sultan Rukn-ad-Din -- Of Baraq Hajib and the conquest of the region of Kerman -- Of Chin-Temür and his governorship of Khorasan and Mazandaran -- Of Nosal -- Of Körgüz --Of Körgüz's arrival in Khorasan and what befell him thereafter -- Of the Emir Arghun -- Of the Emir Arghun's proceeding to the great quriltai -- Of Sharaf-ad-Din of Khorazm -- Of Ulugh-Noyan and Sorqotani Beki -- Of Bachman and his destruction -- Of the accession of the Lord of the Seven Climes, the Just Emperor, Mengü Qa'an to the throne of the Khanate, and of his spreading the carpet of Nushirvanian justice and reviving the practices of sovereignty and laying down the principles of monarchy -- Of an instance of the virtuous deeds of His August Majesty the World-Emperor Mengü Qa'an after his accession to the throne of the empire -- Of the pillars of state -- Of the advance of the Prince of the World Hülegü to the countries of the west -- Of the advance of the World-King Hülegü to capture the castles of the heretics -- An account of the tenets of the Isma'ilis or Batinis as also a history of that sect -- Of the declaration regarding the false Mahdi --Of the accession of Mustansir, the son of Zahir -- An account of these events (i.e., the overthrow of the Fatimid Caliphate) and the reason therefor -- Of Hasan-i-Sabbah and his innovations (tajdīd) and the propaganda of the heretics which they call "the new propaganda" (may God not renew it!) -- Of the birth of Hasan, the son of Muhammad, the son of Buzurg-Umid -- Of the history of Rukn-ad-Din Khur-Shah after his father's death -- Of Rukn-ad-Din's castles after his coming down -- Of Rukn-ad-Din's fate and the end of that people.

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