- Заглавие:
The handbook of evolutionary psychology
- Место издания:
Hoboken, NJ
- Издатель:
John Wiley & Sons
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
XXV, 1028 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
Foreword (Steven Pinker). Acknowledgments. Contributors. Introduction: The Emergence of Evolutionary Psychology (David M. Buss). PART I: FOUNDATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY (David M. Buss). 1. Conceptual Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology (John Tooby and Leda Cosmides). 2. Life History Theory and Evolutionary Psychology (Hillard S. Kaplan and Steven W. Gangestad). 3. Domain Specificity and Intuitive Ontology (Pascal Boyer and H. Clark Barrett). 4. Methods of Evolutionary Sciences (Jeffry A. Simpson and Lorne Campbell). 5. Controversial Issues in Evolutionary Psychology (Edward H. Hagen). PART II: SURVIVAL (David M. Buss). 6. Locating Places (Irwin Silverman and Jean Choi). 7. Adaptations to Predators and Prey (H. Clark Barrett). 8. Adaptations to Dangers from Humans (Joshua D. Duntley). PART III: MATING (David M. Buss). Adaptationism and Human Mating Psychology (Donald Symons). 9. Fundamentals of Human Mating Strategies (David P. Schmitt). 10. Physical Attractiveness in Adaptationist Perspective (Lawrence S. Sugiyama). 11. Adaptations to Ovulation (Steven W. Gangestad, Randy Thornhill, and Christine E. Garver-Apgar). 12. Female Infidelity and Sperm Competition (Todd K. Shackelford, Nicholas Pound, Aaron T. Goetz, and Craig W. LaMunyon). 13. Sexual Coercion (Neil M. Malamuth, Mark Huppin, and Bryant Paul). 14. Commitment, Love, and Mate Retention (Lorne Campbell and Bruce J. Ellis). PART IV: PARENTING AND KINSHIP (Martin Daly and Margo Wilson). 15. Cooperation and Conflict among Kin (Jeffrey A. Kurland and Steven J. C. Gaulin). 16. Evolution of Paternal Investment (David C. Geary). 17. Parental Investment and Parent-Offspring Conflict (Catherine Salmon). 18. Altruism and Genetic Relatedness (Eugene Burnstein). 19. Hormones and the Human Family (Mark V. Flinn, Carol V. Ward, and Robert J. Noone). PART V: GROUP LIVING (David M. Buss). 20. Neurocognitive Adaptations Designed for Social Exchange (Leda Cosmides and John Tooby). 21. Aggression (Anne Campbell). 22. Managing Ingroup and Outgroup Relationships (Robert Kurzban and Steven Neuberg). 23. Dominance, Status, and Social Hierarchies (Denise Cummins). 24. The Evolution of Language (Peter F. MacNeilage and Barbara L. Davis). 25. The Evolution of Cognitive Bias (Martie G. Haselton, Daniel Nettle, and Paul W. Andrews). 26. The Evolution of Morality (Dennis Krebs). PART VI: EVOLUTIONIZING TRADITIONAL DISCIPLINES OF PSYCHOLOGY (David M. Buss). 27. Evolutionary Cognitive Psychology (Peter M. Todd, Ralph Hertwig, and Ulrich Hoffrage). 28. Evolutionary Social Psychology (Douglas T. Kenrick, Jon K. Maner, and Norman P. Li). 29. Evolutionary Developmental Psychology (David F. Bjorklund and Carlos Hernandez Blasi). 30. Evolutionary Personality Psychology (Aurelio Jose Figueredo, Jon A. Sefcek, Geneva Vasquez, Barbara H. Brumbach, James E. King, and W. Jake Jacobs). 31. Biological Function and Dysfunction (Jerome C. Wakefield). 32 Evolutionary Psychology and Mental Health (Randolph M. Nesse). PART VII: APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY TO OTHER DISCIPLINES (David M. Buss). 33. Literature and Evolutionary Psychology (Joseph Carroll). 34. Evolutionary Psychology and the Law (Owen D. Jones). Afterword (Richard Dawkins). Author Index. Subject Index.
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The handbook of evolutionary psychology
ed. by D. M. Buss