- Заглавие:
The globalization syndrome
- Автор:
Mittelman James Howard (1944–)
- Место издания:
Princeton, NJ
- Издатель:
Princeton University Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
xvi, 286 p.
- Серия:
Princeton paperbacks
- Аннотация:
Here James Mittelman explains the systemic dynamics and myriad consequences of globalization, focusing on the interplay between globalizing market forces, in some instances guided by the state, and the needs of society. Mittelman finds that globalization is hardly a unified phenomenon but rather a syndrome of processes and activities: a set of ideas and a policy framework. More specifically, globalization is propelled by a changing division of labor and power, manifested in a new regionalism, and challenged by fledgling resistance movements. The author argues that a more complete understanding of globalization requires an appreciation of its cultural dimensions. From this perspective, he considers the voices of those affected by this trend, including those who resist it and particularly those who are hurt by it.
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Библиографический источник
The globalization syndrome
transformation and resistance / James H. Mittelman