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The Family Almost Perfect Scale: Development, psychometric properties, and comparing Asian...

K. T. Wang


The Family Almost Perfect Scale: Development, psychometric properties, and comparing Asian and European Americans


This article describes two studies related to the development and psychometric evaluation of the Family Almost Perfect Scale (FAPS), which measures the perceived level of perfectionistic standards and evaluation from one's family. In Study 1 ( N = 283), exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the FAPS scale items. In Study 2, the FAPS was cross-validated through confirmatory factor analyses with an Asian/Asian American sample ( N = 252) and a European American sample ( N = 386). These two samples were compared on study variables and Asians/Asian Americans reported modestly higher personal and family discrepancy and lower self-esteem. Participants were also grouped into different perceived perfectionistic family types. Those that perceived having maladaptively perfectionistic families reported greater depression and lower self-esteem. Implications for counseling and future directions for research are also discussed

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Сведения об источнике:

Asian American Journal of Psychology. – 2010. – Vol. 1, № 3. – P. 186–199.

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