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The difference between acute and chronic pain

K. P. Grichnik, F. M. Ferrante


The difference between acute and chronic pain


Acute and chronic pain are different clinical entities. Acute pain is provoked by a specific disease or injury, serves a useful biologic purpose, is associated with skeletal muscle spasm and sympathetic nervous system activation, and is self-limited. Chronic pain, in contrast, may be considered a disease state. It is pain that outlasts the normal time of healing, if associated with a disease or injury. Chronic pain may arise from psychological states, serves no biologic purpose, and has no recognizable end-point. Both acute and chronic pain are an enormous problem in the United States, costing 650 million lost workdays and

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Сведения об источнике:

Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine. – 1991. – Vol. 58, № 3. – P. 217–220.

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