Библиографический источник

The Development of the Italian schools of painting

Raimond Van Marle


The Development of the Italian schools of painting

Место издания:

The Hague



Дата издания:

19 vol.

Сведения о содержании:

1. History of Italian painting from the 6th until the end of the 13th century. (1923.) 2. The Sienese school of the 14th century. (1924.) 3. The Florentine school of the 14th century. (1924.) 4. The local schools of North Italy of the 14th century. (1924.) 5. The local schools of Central and South Italy of the 14th century. (1925.) 6. Italian painting from the 6th until the end of the 14th century. Iconographical index. (1925.) 7. Late Gothic painting in North Italy of the 15th century. (1926.) 8. Gentile, Pisanello and late Gothic painting in Central and South Italy. (1927.) 9. Late Gothic painting in Tuscany. (1927.) 10.-13. The renaissance painters of Florence. Generation 1-3. (1928-31.) 14. The renaissance painters of Umbria. (1933.) 15. The renaissance painters of Central and Southern Italy. (1934.) 16. The renaissance painters of Tuscany. (1937.) 17. 18. The renaissance painters of Venice. 1. 2. (1935-36.) 19. General Index. 1938

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