Библиографический источник

The descriptive phenomenological method in psychology

a modified Husserlian approach / Amedeo Giorgi


The descriptive phenomenological method in psychology

Место издания:

Pittsburgh, PA


Duquesne University Press

Дата издания:

xiv, 233 p.



Сведения о содержании:

One: Conceptual Framework. Psychology as a natural science -- Some aspects of Phenomenology relevant to the science of Psychology -- Two: The qualitative perspective in researching pyschological phenomena. Brief general history -- Some historical examples of qualitative research strategies -- William James (1842-1910) -- Edward B. Titchener (1867-1927) -- Sir Frederic C. Barlett (1886-1969) -- Gordon Allport (1897-1967) -- Jean Piaget (1896-1980) -- Robert Coles (b. 1929) -- Qualitative researchers -- Three: The research process. -- Four: Scientific phenomenological method and its philospphical context. A few phenomenological principles -- Sketch of a human science perspective -- Five: The phenomenological method. The philosophical phenomenological method -- Assumption of the transcendental phenomenological attitude -- Search for the essence of the phenomenon -- Description of the essence -- The scientific phenomenological method --Modifications of the philosophical method to meet scientific pyschological criteria -- Description from others -- Assumption of the phenomenological reduction -- The search for an invariant psychological meaning -- A human science interpretation of the general research schema -- A researchable problem -- Research situation as analogue of the lifeworld situation -- Control as concomitant recording of spontaneous activity or expressions -- The steps of the method -- Data collection phase -- Analysis of descriptions -- The concrete steps of the method -- Six: The application of the method. The experience of jealousy (P1) -- The experience of jealousy (P2) -- The experience of jealousy (P1): AG's Meaning Units -- The experience of jealousy (P2): AG's Meaning Units -- AG's structure for P1 and P2 -- The experience of jealousy (P1) with BG's Meaning Units -- The experience of jealousy (P2) with BG's Meaning Units -- BG's structure for P1 and P2 --Commentary on the analyses -- Circumscribing the Psychological Eidetic Generalization -- The structure of the experience -- Actual research results using the Phenomenological Psychological Method.


Discusses the phenomenological foundations for qualitative research in psychology which operates out of the intersection of phenomenological philosophy, science, and psychology; challenges long-standing assumptions about the practice of grounding the science of psychology in empiricism and asserts that the broader philosophy of phenomenological theory of science permits more adequate psychological development.

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