Библиографический источник

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Edward Gibbon


The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

№ и название тома:

Vol. 1

Место издания:



Electric Book Co

Дата издания:

878 p.

Сведения о содержании:

Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Advertisement -- Chapter I. The Extent and Military Force of the Empire in the Age of the Antonines. -- Augustus and his successors -- Conquests of Trajan in the East -- Hadrian and the two Antonines -- Military establishment of the empire -- Provinces of Rome -- Chapter II. Of the Union and internal Prosperity of the Roman Empire, in the Age of the Antonines. -- Toleration of Rome -- Freedom of Rome -- Use of Latin and Greek -- Slavery -- Population -- Roman monuments -- Cities of the empire -- Roman roads -- Improvements in agriculture -- Foreign trade -- Chapter III. Of the Constitution of the Roman Empire, in the Age of the Antonines. -- Augustus reforms the Senate -- Becomes Imperator -- Divides rule of the provinces -- The Senate -- Deification -- Titles of Augustus and Cæsar -- The Cæsars and the Flavian family -- Hadrian, A.D. 117 -- The Two Antonines -- Marcus Aurelius -- Chapter IV. The Cruelty, Follies, and Murder of Commodus.-Election of Pertinax. -- Accession of Commodus -- Pertinax succeeds to the throne -- Pertinax attempts reform of the state -- Murder of Pertinax -- Chapter V. Public Sale of the Empire to Didius Julianus by the Prætorian Guards. -- The Prætorian guards -- Julian "buys" the empire -- The provinces declare against Julian -- Septimus Severus -- Civil wars of Severus -- The government of Severus -- Office of Prætorian Præfect -- Chapter VI. The Death of Severus.-Tyranny of Caracalla.-Usurpation of Macrinus.-Follies of Elagabalus. -- The Caledonian war, A.D. 208 -- Death of Severus -- two emperors -- Murder of Geta -- Tyranny of Caracalla -- Usurpation of Macrinus -- Elagabalus, A.D. 218 -- Assession of Alexander Severus, his reign -- Finances of the Empire -- Chapter VII. The Elevation and Tyranny of Maximin.-Rebellion in Africa and Italy. .-Civil Wars and Sedition. Tyranny of Maximin -- Revolt in Africa, A.D. 237 -- The two Gordians -- Election of Maximus and Balbinus -- Civil war -- The third Gordian becomes emperor -- Reign of Philip -- Secular games -- Chapter VIII. Of the State of Persia after the Restoration of the Monarchy by Artaxerxes. -- Artaxerxes' rule in Persia -- Artaxerxes declares war on Rome -- Victory over Artaxerxes, A.D. 233 -- Chapter IX. The State of Germany till the Invasion of the Barbarians in the Time of the Emperor Decius. -- Origin of the Germans -- Assemblies of the people -- Princes and magistrates -- German religion -- Limited progress of the Germans -- Civil dissensions of Germany -- Union against Rome -- German tribes -- Chapter X. The Emperors Decius, Gallus, Æmilianus, Valerian, and Gallienus.-The general Irruption of the Barbarians. -- The emperor Decius, A.D. 249 -- First invasion of the Goths -- Origin of the Goths -- The Gothic war, A.D. 250 -- Decius revives office of censor -- Election of Gallus -- retreat of Goths -- The emperor Valerian -- Gallienus, A.D. 253-268 -- The Franks -- The Alemanii -- Further inroads of the Goths -- First naval expedition of the Goths -- Goths threaten Italy -- but retreat -- Persians conquer Armenia -- Victories of Sapor in the East -- Rule of Gallienus -- The thirty tyrants -- Famine and pestilence -- Chapter XI. Reign of Claudius.-Defeat of the Goths.-Victories, Triumph, and Death of Aurelian. -- Elevation of the emperor Claudius -- Claudius reforms the army -- Claudius defeats the Goths -- Death of Claudius, A.D. 270 -- Aurelian's successful reign -- The Alemannic war -- Usurpers of Gaul -- Zenobia and her reign in the East -- Aurelian's expedition -- Zenobia's submission to Aurelian -- Triumph of Aurelian, A.D. 274 -- Aurelian assassinated in the East. Chapter XII. Conduct of the Army and Senate after the Death of Aurelian.-Reigns of Tacitus, Probus, Carus -- A peaceful interregnum, A.D. 275 -- Tacitus elected emperor -- The Alani invade Asia -- Death of Tacitus -- Elevation of the emperor Probus -- Victories of Probus over the barbarians -- Triumph of Probus, A.D. 281 -- Murder of Probus -- Elevation of Carus -- Decline of the senate -- Victory of Carus in the East -- his death -- Numerian and Carinus declared emperors -- Carinus celebrates the Roman games -- Election of the emperor Diocletian, A.D. 284 -- Chapter XIII. The Reign of Diocletian and his three Associates, Maximian, Galerius, And Constantius. -- Association of Maximian -- Association of two Cæsars, Galerius and Constantius, A.D. 292 -- Peasant revolt in Gaul -- Revolt of Carausius in Britain -- Constantius recovers Britain, A.D. 296 -- Wars of Africa and Egypt -- The Persian war -- Galerius defeats the Persians, A.D. 297 -- Border treaties established -- Triumph of Diocletian and Maximian, A.D. 303 -- Emperors residence at Milan and Nicomedia -- Jovians and Herculians established -- Diocletian introduces the diadem -- Abdication of Diocletian and Maximian -- Diocletian at Salona -- The new Platonists -- Chapter XIV. Troubles after the Abdication of Diocletian.-Death of Constantius.-Elevation of Constantine and Maxentius. -- Civil wars, A.D. 305-323 -- Character of Constantius -- Birth of Constantine -- Death of Constantius, -- elevation of Constantine to Cæsar, A.D. 306 -- Maximian gives his daughter Fausta, and the title of Augustus, to Constantine, A.D. 307 -- Six emperors -- Constantine in Gaul -- Civil war between Constantine and Maxentius -- Victory of Constantine near Rome, A.D. 312 -- First civil war between Constantine and Licinius -- Peace and laws of Constantine, A.D. 315-323 -- The Gothic war, A.D. 322 -- Second civil war. Siege of Byzantium -- Submission and death of Licinius -- -- re-union of the empire, A.D. 324 -- Chapter XV. The Progress of the Christian Religion. -- Five causes of the growth of Christianity -- I. Zeal of the Jews -- The Nazarene church of Jerusalem -- The Ebionites -- The Gnostics -- II. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul -- Doctrine of the Millennium -- III. Miraculous powers of the early church -- IV. Virtue of the early Christians -- Principles -- Pleasure and luxury condemned -- Marriage and chastity -- Aversion to temporal matters -- V. The government of the church -- Episcopal authority -- Metropolitan churches -- Roman pontiff -- Oblations and revenue -- Excommunication -- The church of Antioch -- Christianity outside the empire -- Attraction to the poor and simple -- Chapter XVI. The Conduct of the Roman Government towards the Christians, from Nero to Constantine. -- Persecution by the emperors -- Rebelliousness of the Jews -- Toleration of Jewish religion -- Christianity as a dangerous conspiracy -- Infancy disguised as a sect of the Jews -- The fire of Rome under Nero, Christians blamed -- Domitian oppresses Jews and Christians -- Trajan establishes a legal framework -- Trials -- Humanity of the Roman magistrates -- Cyprian, bishop of Carthage -- Martyrdom -- The ten persecutions -- State of the Christians under Commodus, Severus -- and their successsors, A.D. 180-249 -- Under Maximin, Philip and Decius -- Under Valerian, Gallienus and successors -- Paul of Samosata -- Peace and prosperity under Diocletian, A.D. 284-303 -- Diocletian begins a general persecution -- First edict against the Christians, A.D. 303 -- Demolition of churches -- The persecution -- Galerius' edict of toleration -- End of the persecutions -- Actium

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