Библиографический источник

The composition of Mutanabbī's panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla

Andras Hamori


The composition of Mutanabbī's panegyrics to Sayf al-Dawla

Место издания:



E. J. Brill

Дата издания:

viii, 127 p.


Studies in Arabic literature ; vol. 14



Сведения о содержании:

Contents: Ch. 1. Endings. A. Invocations, optatives, etc. B. Gnomic statements. C. Conditionals. D. An expanded sample -- Ch. 2. Getting to the chronicle. A. Simple summaries. B. Extended summaries. C. Bridges to the theme. D. Other cases -- Ch. 3. Cadence. A. Cadence before the onset of the chronicle. B. Cadence before "poet, prince and rivals" C. Cadence before hija. D. Cadence before less rigorously defined seams. Excursus: The placement of isocola -- Ch. 4. From chronicle to closure. A. Disengagement from the particular. B. Crescendo motifs in the coda. C. The particular against the expanded background -- Ch. 5. Local structures in poems without events. A. Text Four. B. Text Three -- Ch. 6. A note on Text Eight -- Ch. 7. A glance at the earlier and later work. A. Before Aleppo. B. After Aleppo -- Ch. 8. A predecessor -- Appendix One: Some diagrams -- Appendix Two: Cadential occurrences of conditional sentences beginning with in, idha, and law -- Appendix Three: The texts.

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