Библиографический источник

The Cambridge history of science fiction

ed. by G. Canavan, E. C. Link


The Cambridge history of science fiction

Место издания:



Cambridge University Press

Дата издания:

801 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Dedication; Contributors; On not defining science fiction: an introduction Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan; Part I. Before the New Wave: 1. Science fiction before science fiction: ancient, medieval, and early modern science fiction Ryan Vu; 2. Interrelations: science fiction and the Gothic Roger Luckhurst; 3. European science fiction in the nineteenth century Terry Harpold; 4. Inventing new worlds: the age of manifestos and utopias Rhys Williams; 5. War machines and child geniuses: American Edisonades Nathaniel Williams; 6. Afrofuturism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries W. Andrew Shephard; 7. Science fiction, modernism, and the avant-garde Paul March-Russell; 8. The Gernsback years: science fiction and the pups (1920s-30s) Brooks Landon; 9. Astounding stories: John W. Campbell and the Golden Age, 1938-50 Michael R. Page; 10. Science fiction in Continental Europe before World War Two Salvatore Proietti; 11. Rise of the Supermen: science fiction during World War II Andrew Pilsch; 12. Utopia ...: science fiction in the 1950s and 1960s Malisa Kurtz; 13. ... or bust: science fiction and the bomb (1945-60) Brent Ryan Bellamy; 14. Women in the Golden Age of science fiction Jane Donawerth; 15. Better living through chemistry: science fiction and consumerism in the Cold War Lee Konstantinou; 16. 'The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve': children's and young-adult science fiction into the 1980s Michael Levy; 17. Spectacular horizons: the birth of science fiction film, television, and radio, 1900-59 Sean Redmond; 18. Fandom and fan culture in the Golden Age and beyond Karen Hellekson; 19. Science fiction and its critics Rob Latham; Part II. The New Wave: 20. Riding the new wave Andrew M. Butler; 21. New wave science fiction and the counterculture Shannon Davies Mancus; 22. Science fiction film, television, and music during the new wave, 1960-80 Jeffrey Hicks; 23. Science fiction, gender, and sexuality in the new wave Lauren J. Lacey; 24. Shestidesyatniki: the conjunction of inner and outer space in Eastern European science fiction Larisa Mikhaylova; 25. Afrofuturism in the new wave era Mark Bould; 26. New wave science fiction and the Vietnam War David M. Higgins; 27. New wave science fiction and the dawn of the environmental movement Rebecca Evans; 28. Stagflation, new wave, and the death of the future Greg Conley; 29. Science fiction in the academy in the 1970s Ritch Calvin; Part III. After the New Wave: 30. The birth of the science fiction franchise Stefan Rabitsch and Michael Fuchs; 31. Science fiction and postmodernism (1980s-90s) Phillip E. Wegner; 32. Cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk Graham J. Murphy; 33. Science fiction film and television in the 1980s and 1990s Nicole de Fee; 34. 'Strangers to ourselves': gender and sexuality in recent science fiction Veronica Hollinger; 35. Contemporary science fiction and Afrofuturism Isiah Lavender, III; 36. Science fiction and the revenge of nature: environmentalism (1990s-2010s) Eric C. Otto; 37. Science fiction and the return of Empire: global capitalism, Tom Cruise, and the War on Terror (2000s-2010s) Dan Hassler-Forest; 38. Comic books from the 1980s to the 2010s Aaron Kashtan; 39. Video games and virtual lives: science fiction gaming (1980s-2010s) Pawel Frelik; 40. Twenty-first century Chinese science fiction on the rise: anti-authoritarianism and dreams of freedom Hua Li; 41. Ciencia ficcion/ficcao cientifica from Latin America Rachel Haywood Ferreira; 42. Science fiction and the Global South Hugh Charles O'Connell; 43. Science fiction film and television of the twenty-first century Sherryl Vint; 44. Dystopian futures and utopian presents in contemporary young adult science fiction Rebekah Sheldon; 45. Convergence culture: science fiction fandom today Paul Booth; 46. Theorizing science fiction: science fiction studies since 2000 John Rieder.

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