Библиографический источник

Социальное самочувствие рабочих

Г. П. Бессокирная


Социальное самочувствие рабочих


4 с.


"Workers' social feelings" (by <i>Galina Bessokirnaya) </i>is empirically based on the 1986-2006 studies done by sociologists in the Sociological Institute of the Russian academy of sciences, on all-Russian monitoring of population's economic and health conditions, and studies by the staff of Yu. Levada analytic center. Secondary analysis of the above data yielded an evolving picture of satisfaction with work, of material well-being, leisure and overall living conditions. As a result, factors influencing satisfaction with life during the 20-years period have been ascertained. A special effort has been made to present and study dynamics of work satisfaction as a key social process in Russian transformations.

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Сведения об источнике:

Социологические исследования. – 2008. – № 3 (287). – С. 34–37.

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