Библиографический источник

Sociology and the Study of International Relations

L. L. Bernard, Jessie Bernard


Sociology and the Study of International Relations

Место издания:

St. Louis, MO


Washington University

Дата издания:

115 p.


Washington university studies. New series. Social and philosophical sciences ; 4

Сведения о содержании:

Preface -- Chapter I. Sociological relations and methods -- Chapter II. Recent research in international relations by American sociologists -- Chapter III. Immigration and assimilation -- Chapter IV. The sociology of war and imperialism -- Chapter V. Peace and peaceful relations -- Chapter VI. Sociological concepts, viewpoints, and interpretations of value for the study of international relations -- Chapter VII. Sociology courses in the colleges and universities dealing with subject matter of specific significance for the study of international relations -- Chapter VIII. Possible contributions of sociology to cooperative investigation in the field of international relations -- Chapter IX. Summary of the relations of sociology to the other social science disciplines in the study of international relations -- Index

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