- Заглавие:
Sepik heritage
- Место издания:
Durham, NC
- Издатель:
Carolina Academic Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
xxii, 663 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
Preface / Father Cherubim Dambui--Prologue / Meinhard Schuster--Prologue / Lita Osmundsen--Foreword / Douglas Newton--Introduction / Nancy Lutkehaus--Aspects of the Aibom concept of history / Meinhard Schuster--Aibom genealogy as history / Gisela Schuster--The Nyaura concepts of space and time / Jürg Wassmann--The Japandai migrations / Lawrence Bragge--Reconstructing first contact:somelocal effects of labor recruitment in the Sepik / Richard Scaglion--Seventh-Day Adventism and the Boroi image of the past /Sasha Josephides--Sepik prehistory / Pamela Swadling--Open structures : aspects of cross-cultural influence in the Sepik in relation to SoutheastAsia, India, and the Middle East / H. Philsooph--Diversity of cultures or culture of diversity? / Colin Filer--Is the Mountain Ok culture a Sepik culture? / Barry Craig--Masquerade as artifact in Wamu / Peter B. Huber--The power of culture and the culture of power / Anthony Forge--Political and social change in the East Sepik : a research agenda / R.J. May--The importance of being equal : the colonial and postcolonial experience in the Torricelli foothills / Bryant Allen--The bishops' progress : representations of missionary experience on the Sepik frontier / Mary Taylor Huber--Business and the romance of community cooperation on Kairiru Island / Michael French Smith--Economic development at the grass roots : Wagu Village 1963-83 / T. Wayne Dye--Tradition and change in Kwanga villages / Markus Schindlbeck--The response to tourism in Yensan / Jürg Schmid--Cultural changes in Gargar society / Hanns Peter --Gestures of support / Gilbert Lewis--Social structure of the Iatmul / Milan Stanek--Land in the Abelam village of Kimbangwa / Barbara Huber-Greub--Boars' tusks and flying foxes : symbolism and ritual of office in the Murik Lakes / David Lipset--The tambaran of the tanepoa : traditional and modern forms of leadership on Manam Island / Nancy Lutkehaus--The chief of the Chambri : social change and cultural permeability among a New Guinea people / Frederick Errington and Deborah Gewertz--The dynamics of siblingship : nurturance and authority in Murik society / Kathleen Barlow--The child's role in the economy of Palimbei / Florence Weiss--Person, reciprocity, and change : explorations of Burridge in Bun / Nancy McDowell--Concepts of the person in Avatip religious thought / Simon Harrison--Fighting for their lives : the problem of cultural authenticity in today's Sepik / Donald Tuzin--Our women are okay : aspects of Hiyewe women's status / Patricia K. Townsend--Male ideology and cultural fantasy in Yafar society / Bernard Juillerat--Gender and the cosmos in Kwoma culture / Margaret Holmes Williamson --Utopian visions and the division of labor in Abelam society / Diane Losche--Male initiation among the Yangoru Boiken / Paul Roscoe--Male initiation and European intrusion in the Sepik : a preliminary analysis / Paul Roscoe and Richard Scaglion --Therapeutic systems of the Taute Wape / William E. Mitchell --Health care alternatives in Maindroin / Chris Haiveta--Sanguma in Abrau and Kwieftim / Antje Kelm--Plants in Abelam medicine / Werner H. Stöcklin--The study of food in its cultural context / Brigit Obrist--In the swamps and on the hills : traditional settlement patterns and house structures in the Middle Sepik--Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin--The architecture and art of Kwoma ceremonial houses / Ross Bowden--Sepik River architecture : changes in cultural traditions / Christian Coiffier--Art styles among the Boiken / Patricia May--Symbolic meaning in Kominimung masks / Dirk Smidt--Music in Tambunam / Rhoda Métraux--The Yumanwusmangge ceremony at Aibom / Gordon D. Spearritt --Tapets : drum signals of the Sawos / Thomas C. Aitken--Sepik pottery research and its relevance for Papua New Guinea / Margaret Tuckson--The Village Studies Project for the Recording of Traditional Architecture / Wallace M. Ruff and Ruth E. Ruff--Swiss and German ethnographic collections as source materials : a report on work in progress / Christian Kaufmann--Sepik artifacts in the national and provincial framework / John Wasori--The National Cultural Property(Preservation) Act and the art of the Sepik / Soroi Marepo Eoe--Las toktok bilong ol masalai / Andrew Strathern.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Sepik heritage
tradition and change in Papua New Guinea / ed. by Nancy Lutkehaus [et al.]