Библиографический источник

Satan's tragedy and redemption

Iblīs in Sufi pyschology / Peter J. Awn ; forew. by Annemarie Schimmel


Satan's tragedy and redemption

Место издания:



E. J. Brill

Дата издания:

x, 235 p.


Studies in the history of religions ; 44

Сведения о библиографии:

Bibliography: p. [199]-207.


I. Mythic biography -- A. Origins and life history -- Iblīs: the Qur'an and pre-Islamic sources -- Iblīs: angel, jinn, ascetic -- Iblīs: the confrontation with Adam -- Iblīs: the consequences of refusal -- Iblīs: the seduction of Adam and Eve -- B. The perspective of Hadith -- Sources -- Iblīs/Ash-Shaytan: man's nature and psychic life -- Iblīs/Ash-Shaytan: prayer-life, eating, drinking, and ritual purity -- Iblīs/Ash-Shaytan: night, a time of heightened power -- Iblīs/Ash-Shaytan: the assistance God grants against the foe -- II. Iblīs: the one-eyed -- A. The wily Iblīs -- Iblīs: Sufi assimilation and amplification of biographical data -- Iblīs: spiritual and psychological theory based on Hadith themes -- Iblīs: the world and other ploys -- Iblīs: refuge from Satan the stoned -- Iblīs: the manipulation of the good -- B. The prideful Iblīs -- Iblīs: the sin of "I" -- Iblīs: the plea of coercion -- Iblīs: God's irada and amr -- Iblīs: frustration at the hands of holy men -- Iblīs: tragic yet evil -- III. Iblīs: Model of the mystic man -- A. The science of opposites -- Iblīs: preacher, monotheist, and martyr -- Iblīs and Moses on Mount Sinai -- Iblīs: chamberlain of illa 'llah, black light of divine power, and curl on the cheek of the beloved -- Iblīs: the paradox of fulfillment through separation -- Iblīs: predestined yet free -- B. From condemnation to rehabilitation -- Iblīs: recapitulation of fundamental themes I -- Jesus and the rock -- Iblīs: recapitulation of fundamental themes II -- Iblīs: the saving power of martyrdom -- Iblīs: the return to the One -- Summary and conclusions.

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