- Заглавие:
Ruling chiefs of Hawaii
- Автор:
Kamakau S. M.
- Место издания:
- Издатель:
Kamehameha Schools Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
440 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
The story of 'Umi -The story of Kiha-a-Pi'i-lani -The story of Keawe-nui-a-'Umi -The story of Lono-i-ka-makahiki -Keawe's reign -Hawaii under Alapa'i-nui -Hawaii under Ka-lani-'opu'u -Captain Cook's visit to Hawaii -Events of Ka-lani-'opu'u's time -Kamehameha wins half Hawaii -Ka-hahana loses Oahu -Kamehameha wins all Hawaii -Last days of Ka-hekili -Kamehameha's conquest of Maui and Oahu -Reminiscences of Kamehameha -The peaceful transfer of Kauai to Kamehameha -Death of Kamehameha -Abolition of the Tabus under Liholiho -Hawaii before foreign innovations -Rule and death of Liholiho -The childhood of Kau-i-ke-aouli, Kamehameha III -The career of Boki -Kuini Liliha, 1830 to 1831 -Hawaii under Ka-'ahu-manu -RomanCatholicism in Hawaii -Premiership of Kina'u -Troubles under the premiership of Miriam Ke-ha-ulu-ohi, 1839-1843 -A constitutional monarchy, 1839-1845 -Passing of the chiefs -Legislative problems, 1845-1852 -Death of Kamehameha III.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Ruling chiefs of Hawaii
Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau