Библиографический источник

Rational choice theory

ed. by Peter Abell


Rational choice theory

Место издания:

Aldershot Hants


E. Elgar

Дата издания:

408 Seiten



Сведения о содержании:

Part I - Structuralism: Social StructuresE. Durkheim and M. Mauss (1963), 'Primitive Classification'D. Lockwood (1964), 'Social Integration and System Integration'E. Balibar (1970), 'From Periodization to the Modes of Production'G.A. Cohen (1982), 'Functional Explanation, Consequence Explanation and Marxism. Part II - Semiotic StructuresR. Barthes (1972), 'Myth Today'M. Foucault (1971), 'Orders of Discourse'E. Said (1974), 'An Ethics of Language'J. Mitchell (1982), 'Introduction - I, to Idem and J. Rose (eds.), Feminine Sexuality, Jacques Lacan and the Ecole Freudienne. Part III - Post-StructuralismU. Eco (1979), 'Peirce and the Semiotic Foundations of Openness: Signs as Texts and Texts as Signs'R. Rorty (1978), 'Philosophy as a Kind of Writing: An Essay on Derrida'D. Carroll (1982), 'Disruptive Discourse and Critical Power: The Conditions of Archaeology and Genealogy'H. Cixous (1976), 'The Laugh of the Medusa. Part IV - Post-Modernism: The Classical ConceptionG. Deleuze and F. Guattari (1984), 'Psychoanalysis and Capitalism'P. Dews, 'The Letter and the Line: Discourse and its Other in Lyotard'D. Bell (1976), 'The Disjunctions of Cultural Discourse'M. Poster (1981), 'Technology and Culture in Habermas and Baudrillard'A. Gutmann, 'Communitarian Critics of Liberalism. Part V - Modernity: The Alternative CritiqueM. Foucault (1987), 'Technologies of the Self'N. Luhmann (1989), 'Ecological Communication'M. Berman (1983), 'Modernism in New York'Name Index

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