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Проекции институциональной самоидентификации в современном славянском язычестве по данным...

Р. В. Шиженский, О. С. Тютина


Проекции институциональной самоидентификации в современном славянском язычестве по данным полевых исследований


The study is based on data derived during the of questioning the ordinary members of modern pagan communities. This article shows the results of the «factual» questionnaire block. The purpose of block was, first, to determine the status of the community attending the Ivan Kupala celebration, and secondly, to determine the religious views of representatives of paganism the XXI century. The article also discusses the data from the «institutional» block. The main objectives of the research question block № 2 is to identify functional as the pagan community as a whole, and individual community leaders in particular. A special place «of institutional» block is the question of the prospects and forms of interaction of modern pagans with the state institutions. Based on these data, the authors analyze the religious and organizational identity neo-pagans, perspectives and forms of interaction «Rodnovers» with state institutions, considered a functional way of the pagan leaders.

Ключевые слова:

field research, identity, institutionalization, Ivan Kupala day, non-traditional religious Rodnoverie, paganism, институционализация, неоязычество, нетрадиционная религиозность, полевые исследования, праздник Ивана Купалы, родноверие, самоидентификация

Язык текста:


Сведения об источнике:

Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – 2016. – № 1-2. – С. 278–282.

Дата публикации:
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