- Заглавие:
Plato's progress
- Автор:
Ryle G.
- Место издания:
Cambridge, UK
- Издатель:
Cambridge University Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
VIII, 311 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
Part I. The Disorders: 1. Aristotle and Plato; 2. Plato; 3. Conclusion; Part II. The Publication of Dialogues: 4. Book-reading; 5. The recitation of dialogues; 6. games-audiences; 7. The mammoth dialogues; Part III. Plato and Sicily: 8. Who invited Plato to come to Syracuse in 367?; What were Isocrates, Plato, etc., invited for?; 10. The real Dion; 11. The forger; 12. Plato's third visit to Sicily; 13. Aristotle and Sicily; Part IV. Dialectic: 14. Foreword; 15. Aristotle's Art of Dialectic; 16. The earlier history of dialectic; 17. Plato's dialectic vis-a-vis eristic; 18. The minor values of dialectic; 19. The philosophical value of dialectic; 20. Conclusion; Part V. The Crisis: 21. The charges against Socrates; 22. The charges against 'Socrates'; 23. Evidence; 24. Plato's co-defendants; 25. Epilogue; Part VI. The Disappearance of the Eristic Dialogue: 26. The abandonment of the elenchus; 27. The organisation of the eristic Moot; 28. The minuting of debates; 29. Dialogues and the minutes of debates; 30. Why the eristic dialogue vanished; 31. From eristic to philosophy; 32. Eristic and the Theory of Forms; Part VII. The Timetable: 33. Foreword; 34. The eristic dialogues; 35. The Apology and the Crito; 36. The foundation of the Academy; 37. The Phaedo and the Symposium; 38. The Critias; 39. The Timaeus; 40. The Republic; 41. The Philebus; 42. The Laws; 43. The Phaedrus; 44. The Cratylus; 45. The Theaetetus; 46. The Sophist; 47. The Politicus; 48. The Parmenides; 49. A stylometric difficulty; Acknowledgements; Indices.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Plato's progress
by Gilbert Ryle