Библиографический источник

Philosophy of mind

classical and contemporary readings / ed. by D. J. Chalmers


Philosophy of mind

Место издания:

New York


Oxford University Press

Дата издания:

xii, 675 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Foundations --Dualism --Behavioralism --The identity theory --Functionalism --Other psychophysical relations --Mental causation --Consciousness --General --the knowledge argument --Modal arguments --The explanatory gap --Higher-order thought and representation --Content --The nature of intentionality --Propositional attitudes --Internalism and externalism --Miscellaneous. 1. Meditations on first philosophy (II and VI) / Rene Descartes. 2. Passions of the soul / Rene Descartes. 3. On the hypothesis that animals ae automata, and its history / Thomas H. Huxley. 4. An unfortunate dualist / Raymond M. Smullyan. 5. Descartes' myth / Gilbert Ryle. 6. Psychology in physical language / Rudolf Carnap. 7. Brains and behavior / Hilary Putnam. 8. Is consciousness a brain process? / U.T. Place. 9. Sensations and brain processes / J.J.C. Smart. 10. The "mental" and the "physical" / Herbert Feigl. 11. The nature of mental states / Hilary Putnam. 12. The causal theory of the mind / D.M. Armstrong. 13. Psychophysical and theoretical identifications / David Lewis. 14. Troubles with functionalism (excerpt ) / Ned Block. 15. Pseudonormal vision: an actual case of qualia inversion? / Martine Nida-Rümelin. 16. Mechanism and its alternatives (excerpt) / C. D. Broad. 17. Mental events / Donald Davidson. 18. Special sciences (or: the disunity of science as a working hypothesis) / Jerry A. Fodor. 19. Multiple realization and the metaphysics of reduction / Jaegwon Kim. 20. From supervenience to superdupervenience: meeting the demands of a material world (excerpt) / Terence Horgan. 21. Finding the mind in the natural world / Frank Jackson. . 22 The many problems of mental causation (excerpt) / Jaegwon Kim. 23. Mental causation / Stephen Yablo. 24. Concepts of consciousness / Ned Block. 25. What is it like to be a bat? / Thomas Nagel. 26. Quining qualia / Daniel C. Dennett. 27. Consciousness and its place in nature / David J. Chalmers. 28. Epiphenomenal Qualia / Frank Jackson. 29. What experience teaches / David Lewis. 20. Phenomenal states (second version) Brian Loar. 31. Two Conceptions of the Physical / Daniel Stoljar. 32. Naming and necessity (excerpt) / Saul A. Kripke. 33. Imaginability, conceivability, possibility, and the mind-body problem (excerpt) / Christopher S. Hill. 34. Rigid Designators and mind-brain identity / Grover Maxwell. 35. Materialism and qualia: the explanatory gap / Joseph Levine. 36. The rediscovery of light / Paul M. Churchland. 37. Conceptual analysis, dualism, and the explanatory gap / Ned Block and Robert Stalnacker. 38. Can we solve the mind-body problem? / Colin McGinn. 39. Explaining consciousness / David M. Rosenthal. 40. Conscious experience / Fred Dretske. 41. Sensation and the content of experience: a distinction / Christopher Peacocke. 42. Visual qualia and visual content revisited / Michael Tye. 43. Introspection and phenomenal character / Sydney Shoemaker. 44. The distinction between mental and physical phenomena (excerpt) / Franz Bretano. 45. "Intentional Inexistence" / Roderick M. Chisholm. 46. A recipe for thought / Fred Dretske. 47. Biosemantics / Ruth Garrett Millikan. 48. Reasoning and representing / Robert Brandom. 49. The intentionality of phenomenology and the phenomenology of intentionality / Terence Horgan and John Tienson. 50. Empiricism and the philosophy of mind / Wilfrid Sellars. 51. Propositional attitudes / Jerry A. Fodor. 52. True believers: the intentional strategy and why it works / Daniel C. Dennett. 53. Eliminative materialism and the propositional attitudes / Paul M. Churchland. 54. The meaning of "meaning" (excerpt) / Hilary Putnam. 55. Individualism and the mental (excerpt) / Tyler Burge. 56. The components of content (revised verson) / David J. Chalmers. 57. Anti-individualism and privileged access / Michael McKinsey. 58. What an anti-individualist knows a priori / Anthony Brueckner. 59. The extended mind / Andy Clark and David J. Chalmers. 60. Reductionism and personal identity / Derek Parfit. 61. Freedom and necessity / A. J. Ayer. 62. Analogy / Bertrand Russell. 63. Can computers think? / John R. Searle

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