- Заглавие:
Paul Tillich and psychology
- Автор:
Cooper Terry D.
- Место издания:
Macon, GA
- Издатель:
Mercer University Press
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
vi, 222 p.
- Серия:
Mercer Tillich studies
- Сведения о содержании:
Accepting our acceptance: grace and psychotherapy Anxiety and its treatment: psychotherapy and the "Courage to Be" Estrangement and new being: sin and the limitations of psychotherapy The psychology of faith and love: the New York Psychology Group, 1941-1943 Ethics and psychotherapy: the New York Psychology Group, 1943-1945 Theology and psychology: Tillich's ongoing relevance.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Paul Tillich and psychology
historic and contemporary explorations in theology, psychotherapy, and ethics / Terry D. Cooper