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Pandemic recession, helicopter money and central banking: Venice, 1630

C. A. E. Goodhart, Donato Masciandaro, Stefano Ugolini ; Centre for Economic Policy Research


Pandemic recession, helicopter money and central banking: Venice, 1630

Место издания:



Centre for Economic Policy Research

Дата издания:

42 p.


Discussion paper ; 15715


This paper analyses the monetary policy that the Most Serene Republic of Venice implemented in the years of calamities using a modern equivalent of helicopter money, precisely an extraordinary money issuing, coupled with capital losses for the issuer. We consider the 1629 famine and the 1630-1631 plague as a negative macroeconomic shock that the incumbent government addressed using fiscal monetization. Consolidating the balance sheets of the Mint and of the Giro Bank, and having heterogenous citizens -- inequality matters -- we show that the Republic implemented what was, in effect, helicopter money driven by political economy reasons, in order to avoid popular riots.

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