Библиографический источник

От Ленина к Данилевскому: метаморфозы геополитических воззрений КПРФ

Н. В. Работяжев, Э. Г. Соловьев


От Ленина к Данилевскому: метаморфозы геополитических воззрений КПРФ


In their article, the authors analyze geopolitical views of the largest opposition party of modern Russia - the CPRF. On considering in detail the world-outlook lines of the Russian neo-communists, their vision of Russia's place in the modern world, as well as their attitude to the key problems of modernity, the authors come to the conclusion that geopolitics appears for the CPRF not so much as an instrument of conceptualizing real foreign-policy problems and tasks, but as a means of ideological mobilization of the masses. It is demonstrated in the article that the leaders of the renewed Communist party go on thinking, as before, by ideological clichйs of the 1970s or even by mythologemes of earlier time, failing to operate with realities of the world of the globalization epoch, but operating, instead, with some virtual Gegebenheiten, and therefore their geopolitical constructions cannot serve as guide to action in the elaboration of political strategy of the country.

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Сведения об источнике:

Полис. Политические исследования. – 2007. – № 2. – С. 124–136.

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