Библиографический источник

Нигерия: итоги первого срока президентства Мохаммаду Бухари и всеобщие выборы

Т. С. Денисова


Нигерия: итоги первого срока президентства Мохаммаду Бухари и всеобщие выборы


Muhammadu Buhari’s first term as president ended in early 2019. On February 23, the general election took place, as a result of which the current head of state retained his position. Buhari did not receive unanimous support of the citizens of the country, because in his capacity he did not fulfill the main promises he had made to the Nigerians during the 2015 election campaign. He had not achieved notable successes in the economic sphere, although certain progress in this area had been registered; he had not established an acceptable level of security for Nigerians and had not reduced the level of corruption. However, despite the regime’s failure to fulfill its election promises in part or in full, it was the absence of a decent and at the same time fairly well-known alternative figure that led most Nigerians to vote for a candidate who may not have yet managed to implement all his plans and programs. The main problem of the Buhari administration remains security. Although the regular army has managed to drive Boko Haram militants to the far northeast of the country, where they are mainly occupied with cross-border smuggling of weapons, drugs, oil products, food, etc., the Buhari government has failed to completely destroy the extremists. The question of the Niger Delta, where militants from anti-government groups keep on attacking oil infrastructure facilities, is still acute. The problem of separatism in Biafra has re-emerged, and against the background of these «long-standing» conflicts, a new conflict - between farmers and herders - broke out in the central regions of Nigeria. Meanwhile, the fact that Muhammadu Buhari stayed in power in Nigeria may be viewed as a factor contributing to the expansion of contacts between Russia and the largest West African country.

Ключевые слова:

economic reforms, general elections, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, political parties, Атику Абубакар, всеобщие выборы, Мохаммаду Бухари, нигерия, политические партии, экономические реформы

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Сведения об источнике:

Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2019. – № 8. – С. 37–42.

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