- Заглавие:
Modular functions of one variable VI
- Место издания:
- Издатель:
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
VIII, 340 p
- Серия:
Lecture Notes in Mathematics ; vol. 627
- Сведения о содержании:
Values of dirichlet series at integers in the critical strip -- Analytic properties of euler products of automorphic representations -- Modular forms of weight 1/2 -- Dimensions des espaces de formes modulaires -- Facteurs gamma et équations fonctionnelles -- Modular forms whose fourier coefficients involve zeta-functions of quadratic fields -- Correction to «The eichler-selberg trace formula on SL2(?)» -- A lifting of modular forms in one variable to hilbert modular forms in two variables -- Theta functions over Q and over Q(?q) -- Séries thêta des formes quadratiques indéfinies -- Automorphic forms and Artin's conjecture -- Relations between automorphic forms produced by theta-functions -- The ring of hilbert modular forms for real quadratic fields of small discriminant -- On zeta-functions of rankin type associated with siegel modular forms.
- Рубрики:
Modular functions -- Congresses
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Modular functions of one variable VI
Proceedings International Conference, University of Bonn, Sonderforschungsbereich Theoretische Mathematik, July 2–14, 1976 / ed. Jean-Pierre Serre, Don Bernard Zagier