- Заглавие:
Modernist Adelaide
- Автор:
Symons Stuart
- Место издания:
- Издатель:
[s. n.]
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
236 p.
- Аннотация:
Modernist architecture was at the heart of the physical, cultural and social transformation of postwar Adelaide. This architectural revolution was based on new construction technologies, a break with traditional styles and an unwavering belief in design’s ability to shape a better society. Modernist Adelaide: 100 Buildings 1940s–1970s is the first book to provide a large-scale survey of Adelaide’s mid-century architecture. By profiling the architects and clients, specific design features and historical points of interest of 100 existing modernist buildings, Modernist Adelaide: 100 Buildings 1940s–1970s reveals South Australia’s lesser-known but substantial contribution to this architectural movement
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Modernist Adelaide
100 Buildings 1940s–1970s / S. Symons