- Заглавие:
Modern process thought
- Автор:
Gray J. R.
- Место издания:
Washington, DC
- Издатель:
University Press of America
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
xvii, 254 pages
- Сведения о содержании:
Mechanism --Vitalism and animism --F.H. Bradley's absolutism --Neo-vitalism --Spiritual evolutionism --Neo-mechanism --Emergent evolutionism --Teilhard de Chardin as a process thinker --A.N. Whitehead's concept of dipolarity --Philosophical influence on process --F.H. Bradley's objective idealism --Neo-vitalism's epistemology --Spiritual evolution's epistemology --Bernardino Varisco's neo-mechanistic epistemology --Emergent evolutionism' epistemology --Teilhard de Chardin's epistemology --A.N. Whitehead's epistemology --Foundations of process theology --William Christian's influence on theology --Examples of Whiteheadian process theologians --Lionel Thornton's incarnational theology --Norman Pittenger's theology --Bernard Meland and John Cobb, Jr. --Whiteheadians, Teilhardians and theologians of hope --Conclusions
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Modern process thought
a brief ideological history / James R. Gray