Библиографический источник

Military psychology

ed. by Michael D. Matthews and Janice H. Laurence


Military psychology

Место издания:

Los Angeles, Calif.



Дата издания:

4 vol.


SAGE library of military and strategic studies



Сведения о содержании:

vol. 1. Selection, training, and performance. pt. 1. An historical overview of psychology and the military. Psychology in Relation to the War / Robert Yerkes ; Military Psychology in War and Peace / Walter Bingham ; Psychology and the Military : Research Applications and Trends / James Driskell and Becket Olmstead. pt. 2. Selection and Classification. Are Smart Tankers Better? : AFQT and Military A Productivity / Barry Scribner [and others] ; Soldier Quality and Job Performance in Team Tasks / Judith Fernandez ; An Empirical Method of Determining Employee Competencies/KSAOs from Task-Based Job Analysis / Richard Goffin and David Woycheshin ; An Overview of the Army Selection and Classification Project (Project A) / John Campbell ; Criterion-Related Validities of Personality Constructs and the Effect of Response Distortion on Those Validities / Leatta Hough [and others] ; The ECAT Battery / David Alderton, John Wolfe and Gerald Larson ; Predicting Military Performance from Specific Personality Measures : A Validity Study / Reyhan Bilgic and Canan S Mer. pt. 3. Training and teams. Military Training and Principles of Learning / Robert Gagne ; Retention of Military Tasks : A Review / Joseph Hagman and Andrew Rose ; Training Evaluation in the Military Misconceptions, Opportunities and Challenges / Eduardo Salas, Laura Milham and Clint Bowers ; The Effectiveness of Distributed Mission Training / Herbert Bell ; Effects of Crew Composition on Crew Performance : Does the Whole Equal the Sum of Its Parts? / Aharon Tziner and Dov Eden ; Measuring Platoon Leader Situation Awareness in a Virtual Decision-Making Exercise / Laura Strater [and others]. vol. 2. Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology. pt. 1. Pilot Performance/Aviation HFE Pilot. Prediction of Situational Awareness in F-15 Pilots / Thomas Caretta, David Perry Jr and Malcolm James Ree ; The Effects of 37 Hours of Continuous Wakefulness on the Physiological Arousal, Cognitive Performance, Self-Reported Mood and Simulator Flight Performance of F-117A Pilots / John Caldwell [and others] ; Are Individual Differences in Fatigue Vulnerability Related to Baseline Differences in Cortical Activation? / John Caldwell [and others] ; Pilot Error and Its Relationship with Higher Organizational Levels : HFACS Analysis of 523 Accidents / Wen-Chin Li and Don Harris ; The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Flight Performance, Instrument Scanning and Physiological Arousal in Pilots / Fred Previc [and others]. pt. 2. Situation awareness/decision-making. Decision-Making in Complex Naval Command-and-Control Environments / George Kaempf [and others] ; Differences in Expert and Novice Situation Awareness in Naturalistic Decision-Making / Josephine Randel, H. Lauren Pugh and Stephen Reed ; Situation Awareness Requirements for Infantry Platoon Leaders / Michael Matthews, Laura Strater and Mica Endsley ; Verification of the Change Blindness Phenomenon While Managing Critical Events on a Combat Information Display / Joseph DiVita [and others] ; The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Information-Integration Categorization / W. Todd Maddox [and others] ; Decisions, Decisions ... and Even More Decisions : Evaluation of a Digitized Mission Support System in the Land Warfare Domain / Paul Salmon [and others]. pt. 3. Workload/Displays. Information Complexity Mental Workload and Performance in Combat Aircraft / E. Svensson [and others] ; Workload Issues in Military Tactical Airlift / Michael Skinner and Peter Simpson ; Head up versus Head down : The Costs of Imprecision, Unreliability and Visual Clutter on Cue Effectiveness for Display Signaling / Michelle Yeh [and others] ; Cross-Modal Congruency Benefits for Combined Tactile and Visual Signaling / James Merlo, Aaron Duley and Peter Hancock. pt. 4. Robotics/Automation. Developing Operator Capacity Estimates for Supervisory Control of Autonomous Vehicles / Mary Cummings and Stephanie Guerlain ; Effects of Imperfect Automation and Individual Differences on Concurrent Performance of Military and Robotics Tasks in a Simulated Multitasking Environment / Jessie Chen and Peter Terrence. vol. 3. Stress and Resilience. pt. 1. Classic and contemporary/combat stress/PTSD. Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Building Resilience in a Challenging Institutional Context : A 20-Year Follow-up / Rhonda Cornum, Michael Matthews and Martin Seligman ; War Syndromes and Their Evaluations From the U.S. Civil War to the Persian Gulf War / Kenneth Hyams, Stephen Wignall and Robert Roswell ; Post-Traumatic Stress and Associated Disorders among Vietnam Veterans : The Significance of Combat Exposure and Social Support / Joseph Boscarino ; Pre-Deployment Personality Traits and Exposure to Trauma as Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms : A Prospective Study of Former Peacekeepers / Inge Bramson, Anja Dirkzwager and Henk van der Ploeg. pt. 2. Resilience. Character Strengths and Virtues of Developing Military Leaders : An International Comparison / Michael Matthews [and others] ; Hardiness Protects against War-Related Stress in Army Reserve Forces / Paul Bartone ; Relevance of Hardiness Assessment and Training to the Military Context / Salvatore Maddi ; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a National Sample of Female and Male Vietnam Veterans Risk Factors, War-Zone Stressors and Resilience-Recovery Variables / Daniel King [and others] ; Self-Enhancement among High-Exposure Survivors of the September 11 Terrorist Attack : Resilience or Social Maladjustment? / George Bonanno, Courtney Rennicke and Sharon Dekel ; Master Resilience Training in the U.S. Army / Karen Reivich, Martin Seligman and Sharon McBride. pt. 3. Post-traumatic growth. Vulnerability and Resilience to Combat Exposure : Can Stress Have Lifelong Effects? / Carolyn Aldwin, Michael Levenson and Avron Spiro III ; Post-Traumatic Growth in Former Vietnam Prisoners of War / Adriana Feder [and others] ; Post-Traumatic Growth after War : A Study with Former Refugees and Displaced People in Sarajevo / Steve Powell [and others] ; Post-Traumatic Growth among Gulf War I Veterans : The Predictive Role of Deployment-Related Experiences and Background Characteristics / Shira Maguen [and others] ; Positive Emotions in Traumatic Conditions : Mediation of Appraisal and Mood for Military Personnel / Laura Riolli, Victor Savicki and Everett Spain ; Toward a Positive Military Psychology / Michael Matthews. vol. 4. Leadership, Culture, and Morale. pt. 1. Leadership. The Capacity to Lead : Major Psychological Differences between Leaders and Non-Leaders / Micha Popper [and others] ; Big Five Personality Factors, Hardiness and Social Judgment as Predictors of Leader Performance / Paul Bartone [and others] ; Predicting Unit Performance by Assessing Transformational and Transactional Leadership / Bernard Bass [and others] ; Strategic Leader Readiness and Competencies for Asymmetric Warfare / Thomas Williams ; Military Leadership : A Context-Specific Review / Leonard Wong, Paul Bliese and Dennis McGurk ; Growing Strategic Leaders for Future Conflict / Barak Salmoni [and others] ; Do Soldiers Re-Evaluate Trust in Their Leaders Prior to Combat Operations? / Patrick Sweeney ; A Framework for Examining Leadership in Extreme Contexts / Sean Hannah [and others] ; How Leaders Can Influence the Impact That Stressors Have on Soldiers / Thomas Britt [and others] ; Leadership and Social Identification in Military Units : Direct and Indirect Relationships / Boas Shamir [and others]. pt. 2. Culture and morale. Warriors in Combat What Makes People Actively Fight in Combat? / Rune Henriksen ; 'Panic' : The Impact of Le Bon's Crowd Psychology on U.S. Military Thought / Joseph Bendersky ; Group Cohesion, Culture and Practice / Charles Kirke ; Psychological Climate, Organizational Commitment and Morale : Implications for Army Captains' Career Intent / Krista Langkamer and Kelly Ervin ; Leadership Team Cohesion and Subordinate Work Unit Morale and Performance / Fred Mael and Cathie Alderks ; The Military and the Family as Greedy Institutions / Mady Wechsler Segal ; The Impact of Military Lifestyle Demands on Well-Being, Army and Family Outcomes / Lolita Burrell [and others] ; Quality of Life in the U.S. Navy : Impact on Performance and Career Intentions / Gerry Wilcove, Michael Schwerin and Tracy Kline.


Military members operate within situations and environments that most people never experience. They must be superbly trained, physically fit, and emotionally strong and are burdened with a degree of responsibility and risk found in few other occupations

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