- Заглавие:
Migration and development
- Автор:
Skeldon Ronald (1946-)
- Место издания:
- Издатель:
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
x, 253 p.
- Серия:
Longman development studies
- Сведения о библиографии:
General index: p. 241. Geographical index: p. 250
- Аннотация:
The first text that specifically links both international and internal migration with development at a global level. The world is divided into a series of functionally integrated development zones which are identified, not simply on the basis of their level of development, but also through their spatial patterns and historical experience of migration. Migration and Development stresses the importance of migration in discussing regional, rather than simply country, differences. These variations in mobility are placed within the context of a global hierarchy, although regional, national and local cultural and social conditions are certainly not ignored in this wide-ranging work.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Migration and development
a global perspective / Ronald Skeldon