- Заглавие:
Max Wertheimer and gestalt theory
- Автор:
King D. B.
- Место издания:
New Brunswick, NJ
- Издатель:
Transaction Publishers
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
viii, 438 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
Introduction --Ancestry, family, and childhood --Formal education, 1898-1904 --Years of incubation, 1905-1910 --Emergence of Gestalt theory, 1910-1913 --The World War One period, 1914-1921 --The Gestalt movement matures, 1922-1921 --Wertheimer at Frankfurt, 1929-1933 --Wertheimer's everyday life in the United States, 1933-1943 --Early reception of Gestalt psychology in the United States --Wertheimer's correspondence with three psychologists : Boring, Hull, and Luria --The social conscience of humble empiric --Personal challenges : productive students --The dynamics and logic of productive thinking : the crystallization of a life study --The legacy of Max Wertheimer and Gestalt psychology.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Max Wertheimer and gestalt theory
D. B. King, M. Wertheimer