Библиографический источник

Liturgical Services

Liturgies and Occasional Forms of Prayer Set Forth in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth / ed. by William Keatinge Clay


Liturgical Services

Место издания:



University Press

Дата издания:

xxxvi, 695 p.


The Parker Society Publications ; 30

Сведения о библиографии:

Includes bibliographical references

Сведения о содержании:

The preface -- The litany and suffrages, 1558 -- The litany used in the Queen's Majesty's chapel, 1559 -- The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies in the Church of England, 1559 -- Godly prayers -- Prayers -- The form and manner of making and consecrating bishops, priests, and deacons, 1559 -- Liber Precum Publicarum, seu ministerii Ecclesiasticae administrationis Sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum et ceremoniarum in Ecclesia Anglicana, 1560 -- In Commendationibus Benefactorum -- Celebratio Coenae Domini in Funebribus -- The new calendar, 1561 -- The list of occasional forms of prayer and services -- A short form and order for seasonable weather, and good success of the common affairs of the realm, 1560 -- A prayer for the present estate in the churches, 1562 -- A form, and also an order of public fast, to be used during this time of mortality, and other afflictions, wherewith the real at this present is visited, 1563 -- An homily appointed to be read in the time of sickness -- A form of meditation very meet to be daily used of householders in this dangerous and contagious time, 1563 -- Thanksgiving to God for withdrawing and ceasing the plague. 1563 -- A short form of thanksgiving to God for ceasing the contagious sickness of the plague, 1564 -- A from to excite all godly people to pray unto God for the delivery of those Christians, that are now invaded by the Turk. 1565 -- A short form of thanksgiving to God for the delivery of the Isle of Malta, etc. ,1565 -- A form to excite and stir all godly people to pray unto God for the preservation of those Christians and their countries, that are now invaded by the Turk in Hungary, or elsewhere, 1566 -- The prayer on account of the rising in the North 1569 -- A thanksgiving for the suppression of the last rebellion, 1570 -- A form of common prayer necessary for the present time and state 1572 -- A form of prayer with thanksgiving to be used every year,the 17th of November, being the day of the Queen's Majesty's entry to her reign 1576 -- Metrical anthems, 1578 -- The order of prayer to avert and turn God's wrath from us threatened by the late terrible earthquake, 1580 -- The report of the earthquake -- A godly admonition for the time present -- A prayer for the estate of Christ's Church, 1580 -- A prayer for all kings, princes, countries, and people, which do profess the gospel; and especially for our sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth, 1585 -- A prayer and thanksgiving for the queen, 1585 -- A prayer used the in the Parliament only. 1585 -- An order of prayer and thanksgiving for th preservation of the Queen's Majesty's life and safety. 1585 -- A prayer of thanksgiving for the deliverance of her majesty from the murderous intention of Dr. Parry. 1585 -- An order for public prayers convenient for this present time. 1586 --An order of prayer and thanksgiving for the preservation of her majesty and the realm from the traitorous and bloody practices of the pope, and his adherents. 1586 -- A prayer and thanksgiving fit for this present. 1587 -- A form of prayer necessary for the present time and state. 1588 -- A palm and collect of thanksgiving not unmeet for this present time. 1588 -- A godly prayer for the preservation of the Queen's Majesty, and for her armies both by sea and land. 1588 -- A form of prayer thought fit to be daily used in the English army in France. 1589 -- A form of prayer necessary for the present time and state. 1590 -- Certain prayers for the good success of the French king. 1590 -- A prayer for the prosperity of th French king and his nobility. 1590 -- An order for prayer and thanksgiving for the safety and preservation for her majesty and this realm. 1594 -- A prayer for the prosperous success of her majesty's forces and navy. 1596 --A prayer made by the queen at the departure of the fleet. 1596 -- A prayer of thanksgiving and for continuance f good success to her majesty's forces. 1596 -- Certain prayers for the prosperous success of her majesty's forces and navy. 1597 -- An order for prayer and thanksgiving for the safety and preservation of her majesty and this realm. 1598 -- Certain prayers fit for the time. 1601

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