Библиографический источник

Lectures on the theory of functions of real variables

James Pierpont


Lectures on the theory of functions of real variables

№ и название тома:

Vol. 1

Место издания:

Boston, MA


Ginn & company

Дата издания:

xii, 560 pages

Сведения о содержании:

Rational numbers -- Irrational numbers -- Exponentials and logarithms -- The elementary functions. Notion of a function in general -- First notions concerning point aggregates -- Limits of functions -- Continuity and discontinuity of functions -- Differentiation -- Implicit functions -- Indeterminate forms -- Maxima and minima -- Integration -- Proper integrals -- Improper integrals. Integrand infinite -- Improper integrals. Interval of integration infinite -- Multiple proper integrals

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