Библиографический источник

Judgment and Sachverhalt

an introduction to Adolf Reinach's phenomenological realism / James M. Dubois


Judgment and Sachverhalt

Место издания:



Kluwer Academic Publishers

Дата издания:

VIII, 168 p.


Phaenomenologica ; 132



Сведения о содержании:

Introduction. I: Judgments and States of Affairs. 1. What is a Judgment? 2. Intentionality, Presentations, and Intuitive Fullness. 3. States of Affairs and Relations. 4. Nonstandard Instances of Judgment. 5. Evidence, Knowledge, and Belief. II: Negation and Correspondence. 1. Autonomy and Heteronomy in the Realm of States of Affairs. 2. Building Up States of Affairs in and for Acts of Meaning. 3. Negative Properties and Logical Concepts. III: Insight and the A Priori. 1. The Nature of a priori Necessity. 2. A priori States of Affairs: Synthetic and Analytic, Formal and Material. 3. Towards an Ontology of Essences and Concepts. 4. Insight and Argumentation. IV: Logic and Arithmetic. 1. The Intersection of Logic, Psychology, and Judgment. 2. States of Affairs and the Science of Demonstration. 3. Numbers and Predication. V: The Discovery of Social Acts. 1. Social Acts as Nonjudging Statements. 2. The Uninventability and Indefinability of the Promise. 3. Reinachian Objects. VI: Reinach as Phenomenologist. 1. The Phenomenological Attitude. 2. The Ideal Amidst the Real. 3. Towards a `Subjective' Grounding of Social Acts. Bibliography. Index.

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