- Заглавие:
Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory
- Автор:
Humphreys James E.
- Место издания:
New York
- Издатель:
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
xii, 169 p.
- Серия:
Graduate texts in mathematics ; 9
- Сведения о содержании:
Partial contents: Basic concepts -- Semisimple Lie algebras -- Root systems -- Isomorphism and conjugacy theorems -- Existence theorem -- Representation theory -- Chevalley algebras and groups
- Аннотация:
This book is designed to introduce the reader to the theory of semisimple Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, with emphasis on representations
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory
James E. Humphreys