Библиографический источник

Information and empire

mechanisms of communication in Russia, 1600–1850 / ed. by Simon Franklin and Katherine Bowers


Information and empire

Место издания:



Open Book Publishers

Дата издания:

444 pages



Сведения о содержании:

I. MAP-MAKING. 1. Early Mapping: The Tsardom in Manuscript / Valerie Kivelson --2. New Technology and the Mapping of Empire: The Adoption of the Astrolabe / Aleksei Golubinskii --II. INTERNATIONAL NEWS AND POST. 3. Muscovy and the European Information Revolution: Creating the Mechanisms for Obtaining Foreign News / Daniel C. Waugh and Ingrid Maier --4. How Was Western Europe Informed about Muscovy? The Razin Rebellion in Focus / Ingrid Maier --III. NEWS AND POST IN RUSSIA. 5. Communication and Obligation: The Postal System of the Russian Empire, 1700-1850 / John Randolph --6. Information and Efficiency: Russian Newspapers, ca. 1700-1850 / Alison K. Smith --7. What Was News and How Was It Communicated in Pre-Modern Russia? / Daniel C. Waugh --IV. INSTITUTIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND COMMUNICATION. 8. Bureaucracy and Knowledge Creation: The Apothecary Chancery / Clare Griffin --9. What Could the Empress Know About Her Money? Russian Poll Tax Revenues in the Eighteenth Century / Elena Korchmina --10. Communication and Official Enlightenment: The Journal of the Ministry of Public Education, 1834-1855 / Ekaterina Basargina --V. INFORMATION AND PUBLIC DISPLAY. 11. Information in Plain Sight: The Formation of the Public Graphosphere / Simon Franklin --12. Experiencing Information: An Early Nineteenth-Century Stroll Along Nevskii Prospekt / Katherine Bowers --Selected Further Reading --List of Figures --Index

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