- Заглавие:
Harold Lloyd's world of comedy
- Автор:
Cahn William (1912–)
- Место издания:
New York
- Издатель:
Duell, Sloan and Pearce
- Дата издания:
- Объём:
208 p.
- Сведения о библиографии:
Bibliogr.: p. 203–204
- Сведения о содержании:
Contents: The making of a comedian ; The laugh factories ; The funny men ; Who ever heard of a comedian with glasses? ; Typical America – almost – Daredevil ; The art of being funny ; The sound of comedy ; Farewell to films ; Who's funny now? ; World of comedy
- Аннотация:
A study, in words and pictures, of the famous silent movie comedian. With comments on some outstanding comedians and comediennes of today.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Harold Lloyd's world of comedy
William Cahn