- Заглавие:
Древнейшее прошлое человечества
- Автор:
Васильев С. А.
- Место издания:
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- Дата издания:
- Объём:
179 с.
- Аннотация:
The monograph is an overview of the theoretical and methodological approaches of the Old Stonе Age archaeology at Russia, its developmental history, an evaluation of the current state of art and prospects. The monographs deals with the growth of Russian archaeology from the viewpoint of the theories prevailed and interrelationship between theory and practice. The place of the Russian achievements in the worldwide prehistory is analyzed. This last aspect is of prime importance in our time characterized by the integration of different national archaeological schools. The book is oriented toward archaeologists, anthropologists, and Quaternary scientists (geologists, paleogeographers, paleontologists). It could be used by professors and students of the departments of archaeology. The monograph includes numerous illustrations.
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Библиографический источник
Древнейшее прошлое человечества
поиск российских ученых / С. А. Васильев ; Институт истории материальной культуры РАН