- Заглавие:
Crossing borders
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- Объём:
390 p.
- Сведения о содержании:
Regional and urban perspectives on international migration – an overview, Cees Gorter et al. Part A Theory and evidence - an economic perspective: Migration, economic integration and regional growth, Peter Fischer; Welfare effects of immigration in the presence of public goods - a case for entrance fees? Nadine Leiner; Causes of international migration - a survey, Thomas Bauer, Klaus Zimmermann; The impact of immigration on labour markets and urban infrastructure in Australia and New Zealand, Jacques Poot. Part B Spatial clusters -international patterns and linkages: Differential urbanization and international migration – an urban systems approach, Manie Geyer; Immigration - the spatial dimension, Gabriel Lipshitz; contemporary patterns of labour based migration to the Netherlands, Arend Ode. Part C Spatial clusters – regional and urban patterns and assimilation: Segregation, polarization and urban policies in Amsterdam - an international perspective, Sako Musterd et al; Socioeconomic implications of the changing spatial distribution and labour market experience of ethnic minorities in Britain, Anne Green; Integration of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in the Israeli housing and job market - regional perspectives, gabriel Lipshitz; Employment and structural change, economic integration of immigrants in the Swedish and Malmo markets 1980-1990, Pieter Bevelander. Part D Migration models: A network based model of international migration, Brigitte Waldorf; An explanatory analysis of international migration flows within Europe, Leo van Wissen, Harrie Visser; Migration and earnings attainment – a comparison between the United States and the Netherlands, Jouke van Dijk et al.
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Библиографический источник
Crossing borders
regional and urban perspectives on international migration / ed. by Cees Gorter [et al.]