Библиографический источник

Conversation analysis

studies from the first generation / ed. by G. H. Lerner


Conversation analysis

Место издания:



John Benjamins Publishing

Дата издания:

300 p.


Pragmatics & beyond. New series ; 125



Сведения о содержании:

1. Introductory remarks (by Lerner, Gene H.); 2. Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction (by Jefferson, Gail); 3. Part I: Taking turns speaking; 4. An initial characterization of the organization of speaker turn-taking in conversation (by Sacks, Harvey); 5. A sketch of some orderly aspects of overlap in natural conversation (by Jefferson, Gail); 6. Part II: Implementing actions; 7. Answering the phone (by Schegloff, Emanuel A.); 8. Investigating reported absences: 'Neutrally' catching the truants (by Pomerantz, Anita); 9. "At first I thought": A normalizing device for extraordinary events (by Jefferson, Gail); 10. Part III: Sequencing actions; 11. Pre-announcement sequences in conversation (by Terasaki, Alene Kiku); 12. Collaborative turn sequences (by Lerner, Gene H.); 13. The amplitude shift mechanism in conversational closing sequences (by Goldberg, Jo Ann); 14. Index

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