- Заглавие:
Convention Concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Fourteenth Session, Geneva, 28 June 1930, as Modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946
- Язык текста:
- Сведения об источнике:
Treaty Series : Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations = Recueil des traités : Traités et accords internationaux enregistrés ou classés et inscrits au répertoire au Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. – New-York, 1949. – Vol. 39. – N 612. P. 56–81.
- Дополнительно:
Источник: UN Treaties (https://treaties.un.org/pages/LatestVolumes.aspx?clang=_en)
Библиографический источник